Monday, November 9, 2015

(Un)Eventful Weekend

Mikey did not get as sick as I did last week. He is still coughing, but then again so am I. Nothing got done on Saturday since it was the third dreary morning and my mood could no longer keep up without the sunshine. It was sunny in the afternoon most of the time, but if I do not get a good start in the morning, it can ruin my whole day. Siberia went out to explore the front yard. She went in the neighbor's yard once but mainly sniffed around and waited at the door when she was ready to come in. She's such a smart girl and I am so proud of her.

I tried cleaning up trash yesterday but I forgot to tie back my hair, my allergies acted up, and Khaleesi was not having fun going with me. There was a dog I had never seen before walking up and down the street. Khaleesi wanted to meet it but once we started walking toward it, it turned around and walked away. After a long struggle to put Khaleesi back, I went to look for the dog and could not find it. Then, I got Khaleesi back out, saw the dog again, put Khaleesi back to look for the dog, and could not find it. After all of that, I was done. I will clean up more trash when I do not have anything else to do or when I have a down day and cannot get anything else done. I skipped the property of that guy who has been harassing me about my dog crapping in his yard (which she has never done). I will not touch his yard ever again, good or bad.

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