Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Back to the Real World

From what I can tell, I might still have a cough and it has been keeping me up for the past two nights. It might have been allergies and the vacuuming I did today might help. It ends up being a tickle in the back corner of my throat that will not go away until I drink water, have a cough drop, and wait it out. We will see what happens tonight. I did not go to the gym today because I still had a bit of that cold lingering in my body but I promise I will go tomorrow.

At least my schedule is back to normal and I have mostly caught up with my house chores. I was incapacitated for less than two days and the house turned into a mess. This is why it is so hard for me to take a sick day and when I need a mental health day, I feel like a waste of space. I need to let myself be flawed and have bad days. It is going to happen and there is little I can do to prevent them besides eat well, exercise, and keep up with the rest of my mental health maintenance.

Also, I cut my hair this evening but forgot to thin it out. It was filthy when I did it but it turned out better than expected. Now it is so much easier to wash my hair and it is not touching my collar or the back of my neck. I want to dye it but my MAGfest costume prevents me from doing so. I need blonde short hair. I also need to lose some weight to fit into my costume. Not too much like I would need a miracle, just enough to get back on track of losing the weight. I can spend more time at the Y when I do not have a ton of clients. For now, the workout in the gym area will be fine with the occasional sauna and swim, maybe on weekends.

Speaking of weekends, this weekend I plan on going around the neighborhood and cleaning up garbage since I missed the beautification day a few weeks ago. We were out and about getting our eyes checked and running important errands. I forgot about it and I feel bad. If I am going to be mayor, I need to be involved in this type of thing and show my support for my neighborhood, despite the meanies who do not like Khaleesi or me.

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