Tuesday, November 3, 2015

At 50% Power

I need to redo the ads on my blog. I am not getting anything from them, nada. Not even a few pennies a month as I used to. Not asking you guys to click on ads or anything.

My cold is nearly gone. I was able to get a few things done today without passing out. People's voices were not echoing in my head either. But I did have a headache throughout most of the day and went through a good amount of tissues. Hydration and a good amount of rest helped. I was super sick yesterday and I realize that now. I grew up with the idea that if I did not have a fever, I was not sick. My body is weird. When I feel my worst, no fever. If I have a high fever, I am just tired. Hopefully, tomorrow I will be back to 100% and I can tackle what happened in the world while I was out.

Yesterday, I was walking Khaleesi and I do not usually bring bags with me because Khaleesi rarely goes poop outside of the fence. The one time she did and I did not have a bag, I picked it up with a piece of trash and threw it in the nearest trash can. One of my neighbors appeared from behind his truck and started accusing me of allowing my dog to crap in his yard. Although in no health to argue, I tried my best. He talked over me, so I just walked on. It still bugs me because I am a responsible dog owner. I see dog crap someone did not clean up and it is always a smaller size dog, not a toy size though. A shih tzu size dog. There are tons of them around that owners do not put on leashes and do not clean up after them. I have found dog crap in my yard too. I want to compare Khaleesi's crap with one of the ones on his lawn right in front of him, and demand an apology because he was quite nasty. People in my neighborhood do not like my dog but do not bat an eye at all the loose mean smaller dogs. If I was not running for mayor, I would march right back there and give him all I have.

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