Friday, August 28, 2015

A Week in Review: Movies and Medication

Before the fiasco with my medication, I was zooming through the day nearly every day. The house was getting cleaner and I was able to get some more hardcore cleaning done. I am trying to get back to that pace again soon. I can fly through one day but the next I am utterly exhausted. For that next day, it is all about getting started early, taking a big break once I get tired, and getting back up to finish for the evening.

Mikey got a free trial for Hulu+ so I have been trying to watch as many movies as possible. I started in the Criterion Collection. Some of the movies were a bit too artsy for me, but The Great Dictator will probably end up as one of my favorite movies of all time. I had never seen a Charlie Chaplin film.

Sharknado was painful to watch. It was not even so bad it was good. It was just bad. It had a lot of potential to make fun of itself and it didn't. They played the whole movie straight. Hellraiser, however, was better than I expected, true to the traditional horror movie and aged well. I wish I had time to watch the others before the free trial is up, but sequels are not a priority. I have it on good authority that the second one is decent but the rest are not.

On Tuesday, I watched Monster which I had heard of before but had never gotten around to seeing. It is about Aileen Wuornos, the serial killer, and her life/killing spree with her girlfriend. Charlize Theron did an amazing job with the eyes. Wuornos was completely psycho by the time she was executed and her eyes were nothing but haunting. Her life sucked, she did what she thought she had to do to survive, and paid the price for it. I am not a fan of the death penalty for several reasons but most of them not the typical argument. I plan to go into all that with my books of essays.

Which reminds me, I am thinking of writing a book of essays as a forerunner to my researched book on socioeconomic and political issues made simple. It will mostly be my thoughts (with no reports cited, just thoughts), related stories I have, and maybe just some general wisdom on daily life. Maybe I just want to publish something!

And such finishes up my week in review. That is probably not all that has happened since I have been gone but that is what has happened most recently that has made me want to start blogging again. Here's to more entries in the future and making this a regular thing as part of therapy.

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