Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Save the Tatas

I try not to get involved in arguments that are not political because they rarely affect people. It is just someone stating what is in their head. Yet when a Facebook friend went off on how the breast cancer slogan "Save the Tatas" was such a horrible thing objectifying and sexualing women, I felt like I had to comment, not on Facebook but here, because if you all did not want to listen to me you would not read my blog.

First of all, if the movement was all about saving lives, the first thing a woman would do when she found out she had breast cancer would be to chop her boobs off to stop the cancer from spreading. But it is not all about lives. It is about breasts, male and female (yes, men's tatas can get breast cancer too). Breasts are lovely things. They come in all shapes and sizes, provide nutrients for our young, and yes, they are fun to play with during sexy-time. Women who lose their breasts during their battle with cancer feel less beautiful and less like a woman. If we had a slogan for testicular cancer that said "Save the Balls" or "Make sure his plums don't have pits!" no one would be making such a fuss.

Having been a woman for 28 years, it is quite normal for women to sexualize their own breasts and the breasts of others. We put on wonder bras, get implants, and talk about them sexually all the time. They are a part of our "naughty bits" in American society. Why do girls get to talk about breasts in a sexual way but the idea of a man appreciating them in a slightly sexual way is the worst thing since HW Bush said to Barbara "let's go upstairs and make a president"?

This is not feminism, this is nit-picking and seeking an argument. Your tatas are beautiful and important. Protect them, check them monthly, and save them and your life.

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