Thursday, October 15, 2015

Rick and Morty and Mikey

Mikey has gotten into Ricky and Morty, big time. I think the show is okay. It seems like a mixture between Futurama (thought I pray to GOD nowhere near as sad) and American Dad. Both shows I thought were okay also. I thought Rick would be senile and it was a tribute to Back to the Future with comedy like Adventure Time (which I do not like). But we have watched at least a dozen episodes in the last few days because Mikey loves it so much. He is constantly laughing and gets excited when there is a new episode. Seeing him so happy is what makes me excited to watch it. I know it sounds sappy but I feel like this is what marriage is about. I love when Mikey is happy and he is so easy to please. It is one of his best qualities in my opinion.

And no, I am not a woman who lives to please her man (okay, sometimes I am on bad days). I just love Mikey so much even after seven years of marriage. Waking up next to him and going to bed next to him is such a joy. They say that the honeymoon stage goes away after two years. It has never stopped for me. Sure, we have fought and our lives are super busy so we cannot gush over each other all the time, but during the times when we can just stare into each others' eyes and cuddle are some of the best moments in my life.

It also helps that I am a major people-pleaser for those I care about. It makes me feel good to make others feel good. Call it low self-esteem or bragging. I believe that nothing is done out of the goodness of one's heart. We are rewarded in some way for everything we do even if it is just to make ourselves feel better for being a good person. And I thrive on the approval of the ones I love when I do something for them. If I were rich, people would love me during Christmas because I would be getting them huge things for the seratonin.

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