Sunday, October 4, 2015


Hurricane Joaquin decided not to come near us but he had a good impact on the weather. It has been cold the past few days and I did not feel like turning on the heat so we struggled through it. My ankles were screaming and my legs felt like they were going to melt. It is hard to get exercise when you cannot go outside and have Seasonal Affected Disorder. Khaleesi could not go out for her regular walk for almost a week. She took it out on our luxury mattress pad. We had to sleep on a hard mattress for two days but it was not as bad as I thought it would be. The cold was what kept me up. I had to get up in the middle of the night, pull out one of the quilts from under the bed (and broke the bag it was in), slide it onto the bed without hitting Mikey somewhere painful, and then hop in the tub to warm myself up. Have you ever been so cold you felt like you were getting sick? I do not get cold easily either. I am a winter girl and proud of it.

When I went out to replace the mattress pad, I also bought a cheap space heater, some new slippers (mine are at least 15 years old), new seat covers for the car (the other ones disintegrated),  and a low-flow washer for the shower. The old holder for the shower head must have had one built in. We get blasted with water when we take a shower and I hate to think of what our water bill is going to look like. The cold spell should be over by tomorrow or Tuesday and the space heater I bought is serving us just fine. The only time Khaleesi and Siberia get along is when there is a space heater involved. They will lay right next to each other in front of it, leaving me freezing right behind them while I work. That's pets for you.

This week was supposed to be about diet and exercise but by some random chance clients decided to hail me. Considering how little I did last week, I need to make up for everything. I am feeling a ton better though since I have something to look forward to (Kings Dominion) and some hope for some of my writing.

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