Saturday, January 31, 2015

Con Flu 2015

So as expected, I caught a touch of con flu from Mikey. I'm not particularly stuffy, but I have a small cough that is really deep in my chest and I have fatigue and muscle aches. I would get some stuff done but I cannot breath well. I need to focus on work and do some let's plays. My computer seems to work now for some odd reason. I have to work on that too. Just thinking about all of this makes me a bit dizzy. I'll work on all of that stuff starting Monday.

The Superbowl is tomorrow but the teams are always in the Superbowl and I don't care about either of them. I would rather the Patriots not win because I have not met many Patriot fans that I like. In fact, most of the ones I can think of are ones that could vanish off the face of the Earth and the world would be a better place. But those are just the ones I know of. I could be wrong and some of my greatest friends could be fans. In that case, they should know better ;).

If I am still sick by Monday and cannot speak through a Let's Play, I will have to find something small that I can record and I do not have to talk through. I haven't a clue what that could be. I want to buy The Escapists and Stranded Deep to play. They look like so much fun and games that I would be into playing. Let's Players have done them recently.

While at MAGfest, I learned that a lot of people have more online support and love than YouTube personalities. They post that they don't feel good on Facebook and they get dozens of comments asking them to feel better. I do the same and I get a select few asking me if I am okay. I love those who support me but I wonder why I do not get the same response. Others get pissed that they do not get support online and then get all the support in the world. What the hell are they complaining about? This sort of stuff also makes me wonder if I have become the creepy girl no one wants around. At least that is what people treat me like unless they want something.  I sound bitter and at times, I am. I want to be friendly and professional but it never works. Others get to be unprofessional and off-putting with no consequence. I guess that is just life.

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