Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dominique Christina - "The Period Poem"

I'm not one to spread inspirational videos unless they are really good, but I think every woman AND man need to hear this one. It's NSFW though.

For those of you who cannot watch the video, I will explain: The poet in the video found a post on Twitter about a man bragging about dumping a woman because she started her period while they were having sex. Her prose discusses how a woman's period is strength and if his mother did not bleed, he would not be able to say such things. A woman should be proud to have her period because it means she is physically a woman of childbearing years. I'm downplaying it really since I can't recreate it.

Although the tweet in the video talked about dumping a woman for getting her period during intercourse, I can understand if a man would be grossed out. It is blood after all and it is a situation that partners have to prepare for. Still, what is the big deal of getting into the shower. If you were scared to get her blood on you, why are you not afraid to have her other bodily fluids on you that could also spread any disease she had? She makes a good point in that men seem to make us feel bad for bleeding. I got my period when I was 11 and thin pads were not the technology they are now. I wore HUGE pads and sometimes they crinkled and moved around in my pants. One of my classmates said it was a turd.

Of course that was sixth grade, but even now men are taught to stay away from girls on their periods and blame it for anything that is wrong with their female counterpart. Men, it might be gross and foreign but appreciate the period. It means you have survived one more month without incident and you have a healthy woman by your side. Share a hot cocoa, pretzels, and a night in watching television.

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