Thursday, September 3, 2015

MAGfest 2016: Starting to Prepare, Failing.

The Gaylord Resort filled up in about 24 hours and we were not able to score a room. I had to secure a room at another hotel and I have to call every day to check for openings. The sucky part is the rooms are full only for Friday and Saturday which is when the Game Grumps and JonTron will be there. If you are going to the con, stay for the whole time or bunk with other people. Do not take up rooms if you are only staying for half of the con. I had a dream last night that I snagged an opening. Waking up and realizing I had not filled me with dread and stress. This morning I was so stressed I was sick. It has since calmed down and I have gotten a good amount done. I have to look up. Think positive. Kick ass if I have to.

At least we will get a group discount with Sam, Tom, and his friends: $10 off each person. Someone else is handling the registration though so I have little control over when it gets done. I have to trust that it will get done but the Gaylord filling up so fast has made me paranoid. Another bonus is that I feel semi-confident in making Mikey's costume. Most of it is just a toga wrap and wrapping purple fabric as a cape. The hat might take a little creative thinking. Mikey can help me with that. Maybe pipe cleaners as a base, just have to make sure they stay secure and can hold the fabric. Other than that, I just need a sword, boots, white sweatpants, and his accessories. I need to robe and boots for my costume but that is it.

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