Sunday, October 18, 2015

Let's Go Ravens!.. Oh, come on!

I am decked out this morning in my Ravens hoodie and slippers. The game starts at 4:25pm but I am going to listen to it way in the background. They have not been doing well;1-4. I do not think I have ever seen them do this bad. My brother says the preseason does not say anything about the regular season but I beg to differ. The Ravens usually win three games and lose one during the preseason. This year it was the opposite. Unless we win every game from now on, we are sunk. The Lions, the worst team in the NFL, are the only team that are doing worse. We even lost against the Browns which has not happened in almost a decade. Most of our experienced players have retired or switched teams and Suggs is out for the season on a knee injury. Our second quarterback gets some lucky breaks and is okay for a rookie, but Flacco cannot carry the team. I do not know if he is trying. He might be doing what McNair did; sliding into retirement while collecting his millions.

A real fan does not abandon her team and I do not plan to do so but I want to find another team to hope for. The problem is all I have is the radio and available stations will probably only cover Ravens and Redskins games. I am not a Redskins fan in the slightest but I would feel bad if I listened in just to rout for the other team. I have great respect for the Saints. I used to like the Cowboys. Those are the only teams I can think of.

Baltimore is going through a cold spell right now. We did not realize that the heat was off and it was about 60 degrees inside. No wonder I could not get warm! I gave Zombie a bath yesterday and he could have gotten a cold! I kept him warm for hours on the bed because he was shivering so hard. His hoodie is around here somewhere. We are on the lookout for it.

Today is also going to be a day of relaxation and doing what I want to do, not work. It will also be a day of focus for the next week. We are thinking of getting a short membership to the Y since they have a pool. Swimming is the only exercise I will eagerly do. They also have a fitness center which I would love to take part in.

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